Friday 27 January 2012

Dorian Gray

Good Evening Evil Enteties. I am here to slay the film Dorian Gray so without further ado here it is.
Director: Oliver Parker
Main Stars: Ben Barnes, Colin Firth, Rebecca Hall.
Year of release: 2009
Date Viewed: 20/01/2012
Plot Summary: When Dorian Gray arrives in London he is quickly swept up into a web of socialisation and gentry like parties by his friend Lord Henry Wotton. He is introduced to artist Basil Hallward who creates a portairt of Dorian. When the painting is unveiled he pledges anything and everything including his soul to stay the way he is in the picture. He later meets and falls in love with Actress Sybil Vane who kills herself after and arguement. Dorian learns of her death from her brother Jim and Henry convinces him that all events are meaningless. Later Dorian discovers that his pledge of selling his soul fot the painting has become true. Dorian reveals his secret to Basil bt kills and disposes of his body soon afterwards. Dorian leaves London but returns many years later and begins to fall in love with Herny's daughter Emily. He is then confronted by Jim again who is killed by a train. Dorian tries to persuade emily to leave the country with him but before he can henry deduces the source of Gray's everlasting youth and goes in search of the painitng of him. Henry knocks Dorian unconcious in the attic alongside the painting and leaves the house dragging elizabeth with just before it explodes. In an epilogue we are show Henry scarred, attempting to reconsile with his daughet over the phone. He then head's up to the attic and looks at Dorian's portriat before saying "Poor boy, for who can bear to look at you now." and the film ends.
Personal Opinion: I think this film was amazing. I have seen the origjnal and read the book as well and ths film lived up to the standards of the previous two. Ben barnes portrayed the character of Dorian Gray perfectly with the other Characters of henry and Basil also being well utilised. I think this film is well worth anybody watching. Lovers of fantasy, old films, and i daresay even people with a slight interest in gothic horror would enjoy this film.

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