Friday 3 February 2012

Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)

Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
Directed By: John Hughes
Starring: Matthew Roderick, Alan Ruck, Mia Sara
Viewed: August 2009

Ferris Bueller (Matthew Roderick), pretends to be sick in order to be excused from school, he then persuades his close friend, Cameron (Alan Ruck) to let him drive his vintage Ferrari into a nearby city. After he manages to get his girlfriend out of school about lying about how her grandmother died, Ferris takes his friend on a day out in the city, whilst the school's principal breaks into Ferris's house in order to get him back to school. Ferris manages to restore the status quo and get back into bed the moment his parents come home.
The cinematography in this seems to favour long/mid shots, and very rarely features close-ups/extreme close-ups; there's a lot to see in each shot. This features a good balance of non-diegetic sound, especially during the more grandiose moments of the film, like the city exploring montage and the famous "twist and shout" scene. There's a lot of bright colour in this film too, which, with the log/mid shot cinematography, really helps give the film a light-hearted, expansive feel. In short, this film uses a healthy mix of everything.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 'Ferris Bueller's day off' is your typical 80's teen movie, complete with a quirky, intelligent and rebellious protagonist who hates to conform, a hilarious and eccentric best friend and of course the "love interest" in addition to the obligatory musical number 'Twist n Shout'. I absolutely loved this! I've seen it many times before because it's one of my favourite films, and I think it just perfectly combines a healthy comedic tone with interesting and occasionally philosophical ideas. I think the character development of the film is a key aspect as the three lead roles are very prominent and differ dramatically from each other: The Arrogant and risk taking Ferris contrasted with the Nervous Hypochondriac Cameron.

  3. 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' is a classic film that all teenagers enjoy, if not inspired by it! The characters are well constructed and it is easy to get involved in the film. It has a feel-good approach with a preferred reading of the rebellious teen being supported by the audience. The characters work well together as 'Secretly Gandalf. shhh.' says :) I really enjoyed the film as it's so easy to watch and wouldn't hesitate to watch it again.

  4. I wasn't sure what to expect when I went to watch this film. But I now I think it's fantastic. All the characters are great, Rooney in particular stands out. Ferris represents the kinda guy every teenager wants to be, he's able to get away with everything. This instantly makes him a likable lead. I also enjoyed the way he addresses the audience throughout the film, it's not something you see that often these days. The character development of Cameron was one of the most interesting parts of the film, as he rebels by destroying his father's car (accidentally though!) at the end. All in all, a highly recommended film!
